The Realm of the Horse –  first steps
I now only offer personal 1-1 teaching in this subject

(Please note: As psychic animal communication is used to connect with the Horse, you should be reasonably proficient in this skill.)

Learn how to connect to the energy and spirit of the Horse.  Through animal communication, Myth and specific exercises the horse will take you on a journey to the deepest part of yourself – the Authentic Self or Soul. It is this part of you that horses want to connect with.

Exploring the horse in Myth, as archetype, and working with my  horses  via animal communication as well as those with whom you share your life with, it will be a journey of both inner and outer exploration. There are 4 questions which will form the foundation of this work:

1: What do horses embody i.e. their archetypal energy and unique qualities.Lonesy

2: What do horses say they need from us – what is their call to us?

3: What is the partnership between human and horse?  – an exploration of what it means to form a partnership with them physically and/or energetically.

4: What do we recognise that we need to do/be/become/let go of in order for this to be accomplished.

With teaching and guidance, you will work with animal communication, Myth, and specific exercises to help you recognise, and respond to the Call of the Horse.

Horses always act from a place of Truth, and they ask this of us also. During our time together you will feel encouraged and supported to listen and respond to their call,  so that you can identify what inner/outer changes are required and how you can embody this.

If you are interested in working with horses in this way, get in touch so that we can arrange the best way forwards for you.

If you have any further questions, please email me via the contact page.