Deepening and transforming your understanding of Soul , Nature and the World around you


The different aspects of my work – animal communication, the Sacred Feminine and Mystery School teachings are all interconnected. They all spring from the fountain of the Great Mother and Anima Mundi (Soul of the World). Some students will feel drawn to explore one aspect of my work, whilst others will hear the call to weave them all into a greater conscious understanding which is both healing and transformative.

Working with Myth from the Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian and Celtic Christian traditions I run workshops which help women identify how the Sacred Feminine expresses itself within and through them, how the Sacred Feminine has become fragmented and dissonant within them and their relationships, and how this can be brought back into a greater harmony.

With the goddess wheel work, we look at 6 different archetypal goddesses who are aspects of the Great Mother. Then, it is important to find out how these goddesses flow within you, identifying which ones are the most and least active and how they speak to you and from within you. We explore how the individual archetypes work and have expression as this can help you to understand when there is a ‘clash of the goddesses’ within which pull you in different directions or creates confusion and a sense of inner conflict. This work also helps you to understand your relationship with the other women in your life, with the world and  with Sacred Nature. You learn how to call upon the different archetypal goddesses when needed, bringing to you their strengths and insights. This work can also help you to bring forth Sacred Action according to your individual make-up, which is of benefit to us all.

With Innana we follow her myth as she descends into the Underworld, discarding all that does not belong to her, to ascend once more to life – more complete, and powerfully present within herself.

egyptianWith the Celtic Christian tradition, using the Grail and Fisher King legends, we explore the Goddess of the Land or Soul of the World and her importance to the vitality of the kingdom, understanding that ‘Kingdom’ refers to that which is within as well as without. Through the legends, we find the wisdom teachings showing how this kingdom becomes corrupted leading it to degenerate into the wasteland and importantly we work with the teachings which show us the way to restore the ‘vitality of the land’ once more.

Myth is such a rich source of wisdom. Each of our journeys will be unique, but they will lead us to a deeper and more profound relationship to the Sacred Feminine and with the Earth.

It is my belief that this work is vitally important at this time in our human history, so that we can stand fully in the Sacred Feminine and thus embrace the Divine Masculine.

I will offer a variety of workshops on this theme, so please do have a look at the ‘workshop’ page.

Hymn to Gaia
Mother of all
Foundation of all
The oldest one
I shall sing to the Earth
she feeds everything
that is in the world
Whoever you are
whether you live upon her sacred ground
or whether you live along the paths of the sea
you that fly
it is she who nourishes you
from her treasure-store
(taken from an Homeric Hymn)