Animal Communication Consultation
Our animals come into our lives for many reasons, they offer numerous blessings and also challenges. They have their own unique way of perceiving life, their role in the family and their relationship with you. Over the years I have found that our animal companions have much they would love to share with us, about all sorts of things, if only they could.

When I enter into a communication with your animal, it provides the opportunity for you to gain insight into how they think and feel and why they may be behaving in the way that they are – for good or not so good!
It maybe that you want clarity or a deeper understanding of why your animal companion has come into your life, what role they seek to have in your family, what unique teachings and wisdoms they have to share with you. It maybe that they are exhibiting a particular emotion or behaviour that you want to understand better.
It is not uncommon for animals to display “unwanted behaviour” when more subtle efforts to communicate haven’t been heard, or when they really need you to understand something. Pain and discomfort can also be the root cause of emotional outbursts or withdrawal, as well as displaying difficult behaviour.
Please note: When I communicate with your animal it is with the understanding that you, as your animal’s human, are fully prepared to “hear” what your animal has to say and that if changes need to be made, or negotiations undertaken then you are in alignment with this.
Our animals take their relationships with us very seriously, and when we work with them – this is when the healing can happen, however it unfolds.
How I carry out the communication:
- I will carry out a distant or remote communication with your animal, as distance provides no barrier to this work. This may be carried out over more than one session.
What I need from you:
- A recent photograph of your animal, emailed through to me which clearly shows the head and face.
- Your animal’s name, age, gender and how long they have been with you or a part of your family.
- General background information about your animal that would be useful for me to know.
- Information around the current situation/behaviour etc that you are wanting me to communicate with your animal about.
- A list of up to 6 questions that you would like me to ask your animal.
I always finish my communication with an open ended question to ensure that the animal has the chance to speak about anything else that they wish to.
Please Note: By law, I am not able to enter into any medical diagnosis about your animal companion, and animal communication is not a substitute for taking your animal to the vet if you are concerned about their health.
- £45 – for a communication with written transcript of it that I email to you.
- £50 – for a communication which I record on audio for you, which enables me to go into a little more detail and includes my intuitive insights about your animal and their situation.
- An extra £15- you can add a Zoom/Skype or phone call session to the communication so that I can discuss the communication with you, enabling you to ask questions. This call will last for around 30 minutes.