Next Series of meetings start Tuesday 11th February 2025

The formation of this group, “The Semi-Circle”, was brought about following my observations over the decades, that in many instances there were gaps in the foundational knowledge and structures within those who are seeking spiritual unfoldment, whether they were on a specific pathway or not. These missing links, often felt as struggle, confusion, a lack of discernment and clarity, can create a nagging sense of being unable to successfully navigate and align one’s inner, spiritual life & unfoldment to one’s external life.

With this as our starting point, The Semi-Circle is dedicated to esoteric studies and to the spiritual transformation of the individual, providing a sacred space for learning and discussion; building a tangible sense of a sacred community. A sacred community, comprised of individuals bound together by the desire to dwell within the Sacred Land, both within and without, using the Wisdom of the Mystery School traditions as our guide.

I teach students about the process of inner transformation by using the personal experience I’ve gained from the Egyptian and Pythagorean Mystery Schools and the Essene and Hermetic esoteric traditions. These traditions are containers of timeless Wisdom and Knowledge, which when brought into a modern context are still, utterly transformative. Such is the power and depth of insight that these traditions contain.

You can read more about the group here:

Practical details about the group

Each meeting is a mix of teaching, exercises & meditation along with time for discussion and feedback.

  • A live Zoom group, held the 2nd Tuesday of each month
  • Time: 7-8.30pm UK time
  • £10 per month, to be paid twice yearly before the start of the next 6months of meetings
  • Suggested practical exercises are emailed out at the end of each meeting to help each student continue with the teaching material in a way that is both personal and transformative.
  • No recording is made of the meetings

Here is a YouTube link to a short video about the group:

Any Questions?

contact me on: