Animal Communication

Communicating with animals is the most awesome of things. When one actually begins to ‘hear’ other animals it opens up a whole new world, no it’s bigger than that – it opens up a universe of possibility, knowledge and experience. Just think about this for a minute: If all of the other animals that we…

Clare Roper-Paris Art

I’ve long been inspired by the myths and legends of the Green Man which are present within the Celtic tradition. Sometimes, when I walk in the local woods with my dogs I can feel his presence. It is as if I walk into a special atmosphere, one which encompasses so much more than just the…

Growing in Discernment

Growing in Discernment

One of the key aspects when developing one’s animal communication skills is what I call “to grow in discernment”. Discernment is everything, whether it’s in regards to seeking to connect psychically with other animals, to connect with one’s own inner guidance system or when travelling along the spiritual path in general. It is a skill…

Sacred Feminine

  My work with the Sacred Feminine has, over the years, led me deeper and deeper into a vast tapestry of connection and source of wisdom.  Often though I’ve also found that people mistake Sacred Feminine for “feminist”, but they’re not the same thing.  However important the work of the feminist movement has been and…