The Semi-Circle: Esoteric and Metaphysical Group

I wanted to share a little about the Semi-Circle group – why it came into being and what it’s about.

For as long as I can remember there have been 3 key words that have woven themselves around, through and within me: God, Animals, Nature. Looking back over my life I can trace how these three words (which are really whole universes) have developed, deepened and expanded. I fully expect this to be so for the rest of my earthly life.

As part of my calling to God (and please insert any alternative word here that works for you if this one doesn’t), I’ve dived deeply into the esoteric traditions of ancient Egypt, the Pythagorean stream, the Hermetic and esoteric Christian traditions and more recently the Essenes. I have worked within esoteric groups, taught and lectured about many different subjects contained within these metaphysical streams and have brought some of these teachings into my animal communication teaching and training that I offer people. Over the years, time and time again I’ve found that people are wanting to begin the journey of orientating themselves to their Soul-self rather than just their personality self & egoic structure but seem to get lost along the way. The enthusiasm wanes or they end up going down the ‘psychic development’ route mistaking this for spiritual unfoldment.

Mistaking the psychic realm for the spiritual realm can lead to all sorts of unexpected consequences and confusions which often go unaddressed and unnoticed and can lead to internal imbalances and projections. There is an old saying from the Mystery Schools – for every effort made to develop one’s psychic abilities, three times the effort should be directed to one’s spiritual unfoldment. It was commonly known within these circles that without the counterbalance of: shadow work, inner work, conscious alignment to soul through conscience and refinement, then one can easily fall into the trap of emboldening and distorting the Ego even further through the psychic realm…. So, this is one of the reasons for this group, to help people navigate clearly the process of spiritual unfoldment.

The Mystery Schools were guardians of deep, perennial Wisdom and Truth. They were structures both physical and metaphysical, established to help ensure, over millennia, that ‘the way’ was kept available to humankind. To us today, some of what we find there seems so inaccessible, which is why when I teach using these source materials I bring them into a context and language that is more relevant for us now, whilst maintaining the core essence of the teachings. These sources of perennial Wisdom and Truth are so important now as our world is currently going through much turbulence; the imbalances and inversions of the Patriarchal era which has been in play for the last few thousand years, being brought up from the collective unconscious into full, global view. We feel this turbulence within also because as the Law states: What is without is within, what is within is without. Indeed, all the structures that have been built upon unbalanced, Patriarchal foundations are being dismantled before our very eyes and this can make people feel very anxious and vulnerable. The old has to make way for the new and for any ‘new birth’ there needs to be the ‘death’ of the old. These are the times we are living through. They are exceptional and in my view it is a privilege to be alive now, although often not without challenges…This is another reason for the Semi-Circle group – to provide a source of clear and transformative teaching that helps to create a strong and flexible foundation for the times we live in, which also provides a very real sense of being within a sacred community, of like-minded people who, whilst following their own path also share the experiences of their spiritual transformation.

Examples of the teaching subjects over the past year include: The Egyptian Judgement Hall; understanding its symbols and its power to help you ‘die before you die’. The Pythagorean Tetractys; Understanding Number as ‘worlds’. The Pythagorean Y; the Direct and Indirect path to God. The Egyptian myth of Isis, Osiris, Set & Horus; The Direct path of spiritual transformation and encountering the Adversary.

The Semi-Circle is established on the foundations of honouring both the Above and Below, God the Father and God the Mother which is in alignment with the Pythagorean, Essene and Hermetic streams. Maintaining sacred, grounded and embodied links with our Earthly Mother whilst simultaneously reaching inwards and upwards to both the Cosmic Mother & Heavenly Father creates a living wholism for our lives. For this wholism to be born we are required to be prepared to engage in: inner and shadow work (purification), sacred practises that align our consciousness with our conscience, practises which align us with our Soul and with the Spark of the Divine and developing the ability to orientate ourselves fully both to our earthly life whilst being infused with the Light of the Divine. As such this is a group for those who feel they are ready to commit to their own spiritual unfoldment and transformation as it does take will, effort and consistency, however I’ve also found that with every step we take forwards, the higher realms take 3 steps towards us!

The group is run in groups of 6, monthly meetings and the next cycle starts on Tuesday 11th February 2025 at 7pm GMT. You can find out more practical details on the ‘Spiritual & Esoteric Group’ tab in the menu of the website: Spiritual & Esoteric Group. If you are interested in coming along in February or have any questions then please get in touch: Contact Me

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