Animal Communication, what it is & a couple of myths about it

Animal Communication, what it is & a couple of myths about it

Learning intuitive animal communication is an art as well as a skill. As with all newly learnt skills, it takes time and practice as well as application, to hone one’s accuracy and consistency. When this is underway, confidence generally flows naturally. Along side this, I have found it really important to clearly define what animal…

Who Are These Goddess Archetypes and What Relevance Are They To Me?

Who Are These Goddess Archetypes and What Relevance Are They To Me?

A few people have asked me to explain the Goddess Wheel Workshop in more detail, and to clarify some terms. Thinking about this has opened up a wider field that feels worth exploring in more detail. The term ‘goddess’ means different things to different people. Some people are comfortable with the term, others are not. …

Animal Communication – Tell Me What’s Wrong…Well, up to a point!

Animal Communication – Tell Me What’s Wrong…Well, up to a point!

Let me begin this article with a caveat: there are times when, because we are so close to our own animals, we need to get another animal communicator to give us a more ‘distanced and objective’ perspective on  something that is going on with them or with our relationship with them. We are just too…